Board General Elections

Sydney MBA Network 2024

As the year progresses, the Directors of the Sydney MBA Network are working hard to bring this year to an end, with a number initiatives and events still to be held – most notably,  the Annual MBA Ball at the iconic The Refectory, University of Sydney on the 15th of November, 2024. 

We invite current Part-time and Full-time MBA and EMBA candidates, as well as Alumni to register their interest to join a refreshed set of positions on the Board of Directors, as well as new operational and advisory positions. 

This year’s General Election will be in an online format. Current MBA and EMBA candidates will vote via Sydney University email address. Key dates outlining the process are below:

Date Event
7 October 2024
Applications for all positions open and are available on Sydney MBA Network website
25 October 2024
Applications for positions close at midnight
26 October 2024
Applicants profiles are posted on the Sydney MBA Network website under positions they have registered an interest for, and online voting commences
28 October 2024
All voting closes and results are finalised
1 November 2024
Results are declared and positions are announced 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What positions are available to lodge an application?

All positions are open for applications as part of the 2024 General Election. The positions are:

Position Responsibility
Directing, coordinating and supervising the work of the board members; chairing meetings of the board; and serving as the primary contact between the Business School and the board. The President will also aim to forge strong associations and engagement with the student body comprising of the full time, part time and executive MBA cohorts.
Vice President
Working with the President to ensure the board meets its governance commitments, support engagement with the MBA clubs, organise and Chair ordinary and extraordinary board meetings, and keep board members accountable for actions taken at meetings.
Providing regular updates on MBA Network’s financial position, managing incoming and outgoing transactions, and keeping the board advised of upcoming expenses and the impact on the organisation’s financial position.
Director of Alumni
Increase engagement of MBA alumni and the University of Sydney MBA community, consisting of but not limited to: alumni, part-time, full-time, faculty, and affiliates. The director will work closely with all board members to create and implement networking activities that continue to improve alumni and community engagement. This role is responsible for maintaining the alumni contact database and for surveying alumni for input about communication channels where appropriate.
Director of Communication
Overseeing the planning and operation of the MBA and EMBA communication channels, leading the communications sub-committee consisting of the Associate Director of Communications and Director of IT, and collaborating with other functions on the board. The ultimate goal of the role is to create and deliver communications to promote brand awareness and help drive engagement.
Director of Engagement
Leading the engagement committee. The primary function will be to increase engagement of the entire University of Sydney MBA community, consisting of but not limited to: alumni, part-time, full-time, faculty, and affiliates. The director will work closely with all board members to create and implement networking activities and other events to drive MBA community engagement.
Director of Event
Planning and executing events for EMBA, FTMBA and PTMBA students. Important events would include the University of Sydney MBA Ball, Monthly Mixers, industry panel discussions and other engaging workshops for the student community.
Director of IT
Overseeing the support and maintenance of the IT infrastructure including but not limited to: configuring email accounts, ensuring the Network website is active, coordinating the resolution of any IT related issues with third party vendors and supporting the MBA and EMBA communities with access to IT products and services offered by Network. The Director of IT will also facilitate technology innovation and play a key role in enabling new digital services to the MBA and EMBA community. The Director of IT will be a key member of the leadership team as a member of the Board of Directors.
Director of Partnership
Developing partnerships with business, government and the non-profit sector to benefit Sydney MBA Network and, where applicable, the MBA clubs. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: developing and executing Board partnerships strategy, working closely with MBA management, including the Careers team, and securing financial and in-kind support for MBA Network activities.
Director of Part Time
Responsible for leading the strategic vision of the Part-Time MBA program, while managing effective communication and fostering collaboration among faculty, students, and stakeholders to ensure alignment with program goals and overall success.
Associate Director of Communication
Overseeing the planning and operation of the MBA and EMBA communication channels, leading the communications sub-committee consisting of the Associate Director of Communications and Associate Director of IT, and collaborating with other functions on the board. The ultimate goal of the role is to create and deliver communications to promote brand awareness and help drive engagement.

2. What questions are asked as part of the application process?

There are seven questions that will need to be answered to support candidates’ application. All questions must be answered in order to lodge a complying application.

Application Questions

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Which roles are you nominating for? (Please include a minimum of one position)
    • Nomination 1
    • Nomination 2
    • Nomination 3
  • Full Time / Part Time Candidate
  • Cohort Number
  • In 250 words or less, please advise why you would like to join the Sydney MBA Network Board?
  • Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile 

3. How do I submit an application?

We ask all interested parties to read through available information carefully and register your interest for a minimum of one position, and no more than three positions for election. All questions in the application must be filled out to be considered a valid application.

4. How will candidates be considered eligible?

All applicants must be full-time, part-time MBA, or EMBA candidates, enrolled in 2024 program, or expect to graduate in late 2024.

5. When will voting take place?

Voting will take place via the Sydney MBA Network website between 24-28 October 2024. 

6. How can I vote and how will all positions be filled?

All currently enrolled MBA and EMBA candidates may cast one (1) vote for each position. Voting will only be accepted by a valid Sydney University email address. 

Candidates with the greatest number of votes for their applied position (in order of preference) will be appointed to the position.

7. Will candidates be appointed to more than one position if they receive the most number of votes for 2 or more positions?

Candidates will only be appointed to one position, based on their preferred position. Only on a case by case basis will a director occupy more than one position. This will be determined by the incoming and outgoing Presidents and Secretaries.

8. What happens when positions are declared?

Candidates who have successfully been voted to positions will be advised on 1 November 2024. Incoming directors and associate directors will be asked to join meetings and support the remaining 2024 activities as part of respective Director handovers.

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